Python: #100DaysOfCode Challenge
Over the course of 100 Days, I commit to Dr Angela Yu's 100DaysOfCode: The Complete Python Bootcamp Udemy course. I will be engaging the next 100 days to explore python concepts and then try and apply those into a coding exercise and multiple projects. I'll be sharing daily blog posts to track my progress and insights. You can find the code that I will be writing up throughout the challenge in GitHub - Once I've mastered python. I will be using it implement real-world projects which I can therefore use in future projects and challenges.
Python Mastery: Tracking Progress from Day 1 to Day 100 of 100DaysOfCode
Day 1 - Recipe Name Generator
Day 2 - Shopping Bill Calculator
Day 3 - Missing: A Detective's Mystery Program
Day 4 - Elements Clash Game
Day 5 - Security Password Generator
Day 6 - Turtle Maze Game
Day 7 - Hangman Game
Day 8 - Caesar Cipher